SPRUNKI ESCAPE 3D - Sprunki Phase 10 allows players to explore a range of musical elements, each embodied by unique characters that produce sounds...
Duck Math - Math Duck is an engaging platformer game centered around math puzzles. Guide the cute duck through each level by solving...
App For Kids – Edu games - These games are designed for your kids to use at home or early grade school classrooms.Play along with your kid to help them...
Eatable Fishes - Eatable Fishes is a fun, new online game where you must survive by trading and eating fish that are larger than you, or else...
Petits Chevaux Small Horses - You can play the game of small horses with 1, 2, 3 or 4 players. It’s so great !Find the board game of your childhood,...
BFF Summer Shine Look - Welcome to BFF Summer Shine Look. Bffs are planning for the weekend summer party at the resort. They are bored of trying...
Climbing Pomni - An exciting game is waiting for you, where you have to jump on a rock, boldly clinging to handles, collecting coins and deftly...
House Deep Clean Sim - House Deep Clean Sim is a home-themed cleaning game with a strong sense of experience. It has 9 scenes for you to clean,...
Exit – Puzzle - Exit – Puzzle is an engaging and challenging game where your goal is to rotate the puzzle to guide the ball to the...
Sticky Balls – Match 3 Bubble Shooter - Dive into the fun with Sticky Balls – Match 3 Bubble Puzzle! In this exciting match-3 game, your goal is to touch and...
Daily HexNum puzzles in three different sizes and difficulties. Place the numbers from 1 to 6 in a circle around the grey cells. Every number can occur only once in a circle.