SPRUNKI ESCAPE 3D - Sprunki Phase 10 allows players to explore a range of musical elements, each embodied by unique characters that produce sounds...
Duck Math - Math Duck is an engaging platformer game centered around math puzzles. Guide the cute duck through each level by solving...
App For Kids – Edu games - These games are designed for your kids to use at home or early grade school classrooms.Play along with your kid to help them...
Eatable Fishes - Eatable Fishes is a fun, new online game where you must survive by trading and eating fish that are larger than you, or else...
Petits Chevaux Small Horses - You can play the game of small horses with 1, 2, 3 or 4 players. It’s so great !Find the board game of your childhood,...
BFF Summer Shine Look - Welcome to BFF Summer Shine Look. Bffs are planning for the weekend summer party at the resort. They are bored of trying...
Climbing Pomni - An exciting game is waiting for you, where you have to jump on a rock, boldly clinging to handles, collecting coins and deftly...
House Deep Clean Sim - House Deep Clean Sim is a home-themed cleaning game with a strong sense of experience. It has 9 scenes for you to clean,...
Exit – Puzzle - Exit – Puzzle is an engaging and challenging game where your goal is to rotate the puzzle to guide the ball to the...
Sticky Balls – Match 3 Bubble Shooter - Dive into the fun with Sticky Balls – Match 3 Bubble Puzzle! In this exciting match-3 game, your goal is to touch and...
Are you a soccer fan? Well, so are we! And since the 2014 World Cup is coming up and this happens to be our first ever soccer-themed mobile game, we have decided to make it our professional version of "Penalty Football" – or "Penalty Soccer" for the rest of the world out there.World Cup Penalty is a game in which the goal is to succeed in scoring a penalty shot more times than your opponent does. Each team takes turns attacking and blocking the other side, all while listening for instruction from the referee. The successful enough team to shoot past their opponent five times will be declared the winner of the World Cup: Penalty!In the World Cup Penalty sports game, you have five chances to score a goal and five chances to block an opponent's shot. So you win a match by getting the ball into the goal more times than your opponent, but the catch is that you have to beat all teams in the tournament to win the whole game!World Cup Penalty is a soccer game where you can choose from different countries, each with its unique playing style. You try to score more times than the opponent by alternately taking turns in shooting and defending. Then, you go on to the next round; otherwise, you lose and are out!World Cup Penalty is a fun soccer game where you play as one country's team and must beat the others to win. You have ten shots, and your opponent has ten photos so you can alternate taking them. Block any incoming shots that come at you or are launched from your opponent. You may be able to make a successful goal if you plan ahead of time!